Friday, May 1, 2009


School is finally done!! On to finals...

Monday, April 20, 2009


Sara's Monday looked like this today:
8:00 wake up, then doze off
8:07 wake up, then freak out because I thought I overslept
8:30 drive to Biggby's
8:40 pick up Brian Tice
8:50 arrive at Environmental Science class
9:50 leave Environmental Science and head to Corrum for Commuter meeting
10:10 consider leaving meeting to get more coffee, deny the urge
10:30 get a little excited about being a CA next year
10:45 head to Daverman for Zoology
11:00 learn about bugs
11:30 learn that the Brown recluse lives in southern states and am very thankful I didn't see any in Georgia
12:05 learn that the platypus is a venomous creature and vow to never pick one up
12:10 learn that all the seriously poisonous animals live in Australia and vow to never visit that country
12:15 head to Corrum for lunch
12:20 eat lunch with Liz and Leigh
12:50 Go to Bothouse for World Civ 2
1:00 learn that we're taking a quiz I didn't study for
1:15 finish quiz and sit in the knowledge that I probably failed it
1:20 write in blog

things to come
1:50 leave World Civ 2 and drive to apartment to get rain boots
3:00 leave for a zoology field trip to go stream collecting or to go see butterflies, if we go see butterflies the trip home for my boots will have been pointless
5:30 arrive back at school and then leave for TCBY
6:00-10:00 work at TCBY
10:30 arrive home and work on persuasive speech for tomorrow

Anybody want to trade????

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teetering on the edge of sanity

What if=the two scariest words ever.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Everytime I sit down to figure out a semester's worth of classes I feel like I keep on adding more semesters to my college life. Right now it is awfully hard for me to imagine what it will feel like to actually graduate. 2011, 2012 yeah who freakin' knows? The Science Dept. at Cornerstone is seriously messed up, too many of the classes I need are only offered every other fall and if you don't have the pre-requisites than you can't take them and I can't get everything to line up just right. Is this seriously going to be worth it?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


You're the strangest person I ever met, she said & I said you too & we decided we'd know each other a long time. -Brian Andreas

I think this is how I meet my closest friends :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dark thoughts

I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts but they need constant attention & one day I decided I had better things to do. -Brian Andreas

So, I've been a little obsessed with Brian Andreas lately. Most of what he writes is so thought provoking, I love it! I came across this one today, I was definitley putting off some homework, and wanted to share it. So many times I find myself worrying about choices I've made and ones I still have to make. It's so easy to get bogged down with "dark thoughts". It sure seems like bad news is easier to come by than good news. Andreas says it right, dark thoughts need constant attention. Frankly, I don't have that much time. Emily likes to laugh at my philosophy of "If it bothers you, don't think about it". I like to channel Scarlett O'Hara whenever possible, her "I'll think about that tomorrow" philosophy is a gem.

Some might read this and think that that's not a healthly attitude. Why not? Why should I allow myself to get worked up over college debt, career decisions, global economy, being single, death, sickness, and destruction. Most of that is just borrowing trouble. God knows what He's doing. God loves, cares, and watches out for me. I can trust Him and know that even if I'm going through a rough time, I don't need to dwell on it. I can intentinally let my dark thoughts garden wither and shrink. I have better things to do with my time.